Terms of Use



NOTE: All word forms (plurals, possessives, capitalizations, tenses, abbreviations) are included. Most definitions are gotten from WordWeb Online.

  • "Us", "We" or "Our" - The company, the website, aisle45.com, Aisle 45, not you.
  • "You", "Your" - Anyone who is not us.
  • "Musician" - The Band; one who makes music.
  • "Song" - A short musical composition that includes lyrics.
  • "Instrumental" - A musical composition without words. For our purposes, we consider instrumentals to be a song even though the dictionary definition of a song includes words.
  • "Lyrics" - The words to a song; words that are meant to be sung. For our purposes, lyrics are NOT considered to be a song until sung and recorded.
  • "Derivative Works" - A mix or remix of a song which may or may not be performed by the original artist.
  • "Track" A comlete recorded song or instrumental; a mix or remix; a "single".
  • "Concert" - A public or private live performance. See full definition here.
  • "Image" - Picture, photograph (photo), logo, icon or any other static (non-moving) graphic dipiction.
  • "Copy" - We use this definition here.
  • "Distribute" - We use this definition here.


For All Users

Do not copy, reverse-engineer, intentionally crash, or otherwise damage the website. We reserve the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time.


For Content Creators

You must be at least 18 years old to register and be legally able to grant copyight(s) to someone else. Thus, you hereby grant us royalty-free, unlimited, unrestricted, transferable, unrevokable, non-exclusive copyrights for all uploaded content for a timespan of 50 yearsEssential for sorting by decade . This means you may still have your stuff up on other websites, so long as they allow it; As this is a free service for you, no monies are earned for streaming but you get 100% of proceeds from sales. Your tracks are instantly added to our store, streaming service and play-on-demand search tool. Each track is available to buy for USD $1.29, and you get a dollar for each one sold. The 29¢ covers processing and taxes.

We cut checks once a month to the mailing address on file. There is no minimum (or maximum!) to receive a check. A paper check is the default method. We prefer to use PayPal® or Venmo™. If you provide us your tag, we will opt to use it first. In the event of a snag, the default method is used. Important! Keep your profile current. We are not responsible for lost, misguided, or stolen monies.

The audience votes on tracks in real time. Popular tracks stay on the stream while "poopular" tracks get archived. Your Artist Homepage displays upvotes, downvotes, upload date, sales and status (whether it is currently "active" or "archived"). Archived tracks are not streamed on the radio but are accessible through our convenient play-on-demand search feature.

Drop us a line with any questions.


Original Works
  1. You must at least 18 years old to upload music.
  2. You swear that you are the owner, originator, or otherwise legally authorized to grant copyrights of music and image files submitted to the website.
  3. By uploading files, you are granting us unlimited, unrestricted copyright to all submitted content for a span of 30 years. This means we may copy, distribute, lease and collect royalties on your behalf.
  4. You acknowledge that you may still submit your work(s) to others so long as they permit such action.
  5. I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting.

Sales Milestones

Certificate of Sales Achievement Awards

Bands receive recognition for song sales that achieve the following milestones:

SalesHonor EarnedMoney Earned
5K+ Sonic AwardTBD
10K+ Seismic AwardTBD
25K+ Atomic AwardTBD
50K+ Volcanic AwardTBD
100K+ Lunar AwardTBD
250K+ Solar AwardTBD
500K+ Stellar AwardTBD
1M+ Galactic AwardTBD
5M+ Cosmic AwardTBD
10M+ Heavenly AwardTBD
25M+ Infinite AwardTBD

Monetary Disbursement

Musicians get $1 per song from sales. We handle taxes and processing fees.

Account Deletion

You may delete your account anytime but doing so doesn't delete your stuff. We keep it safe in case you come back. You will still recieve the money from sales.



Listen, search, play-on-demand, vote, skip, discover and share to your heart's delight.

Votes on tracks in real time. Popular tracks stay on while "poopular" tracks get archived. Only one [1] vote per track is counted. Archived tracks are not in active rotation but are still available via search and can be played on-demand from the results.


Billboard Advertising

The Billboard is a static space that resides at the bottom of the player. It measures 300px(w) X 70px(h) and randomly rotates 30 billboards per state, every 2 minutes all month long. $1000/year gets you a spot on the rotation.


Business Listings

Listings of businesses related to music. Stay as long as you like. Unlist yourself anytime.


Privacy Policy

We share your stuff with nobody.


Quick Disclaimer

Aisle45.com is in a state of constant development, therefore it is always in beta mode.
